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  • irinatanasiu

Irina Atanasiu: how the star was born

The first song I've ever written is about a crush I had when I was 13 years old. I was deeply heartbroken over this boy and I didn't know how to deal with what I was feeling; I guess pain is the main source of inspiration after all! So I just kind of wrote a bunch of words, sort of like a poem, and then I started humming a tune that went well with the lyrics. The outcome of this experiment was one I was really pleased with. Back in those days I hadn't learned to play instruments or sing yet, so all I had was the idea. But I knew from that moment, that this is what I have to do with my life ultimately. And ever since then, my main coping mechanism for any life event has become writing about it. I would often get ideas for my songs in the middle of the night and go and record them silently in my bathroom as to not wake anyone. I write songs when I'm happy, or when I'm in love, or when something in life goes as planned. On the other hand, my songs also address themes such as heartbreak, mental illness, loneliness, loss/grief and bullying. I believe there's something for everyone here, which is what I believe makes me a great songwriter and artist.

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